The Forest of Hands and Teeth (Forest of Hands and Teeth Series #1)

The Forest of Hands and Teeth  - Carrie Ryan I seriously had to stop reading this book. I was half through and just gave up. Mary, the main character, was way too whiny for me and this whole concept of zombies encompassing an entire village but being kept out by my chain link fence??? Um... yeah... that's not too realistic. I've never really been one for zombies anyway, but the whole Sisterhood and women being the ones projected as saints, but are actually the evil made me demoralize this author. I know that wasn't the point to this story, but it was definitely the only thing I could focus on since Mary's stale-bread of a personality was truly annoying.She loved him, she didn't love him, she loved him, but then not enough. It was like c'mon! When he FINALLY did come around to her and not adhere to their stupid society's rules, he STILL wasn't good enough for her. I wanted to smack her. Who CARES about the stupid ocean?! Just save yourself and your suppose "love of your life" and THEN think about the ocean. Escape first, then dream! Geez. No wonder I couldn't finish this eyes went cross-eyed from all the eye rolling at the unbelieve tactics and storyline. UGH!Also, within the first 30 pages of reading the book all I kept thinking was how eerily similar this was to The Village by M. Night Shamalyan. (horrible movie)Not my cup of tea. This was a horrible transaction of a dystopia. Ruined it for YA readers who started this genre by reading this book.