Well done Gillian Flynn. Bravo.Another great psychological thriller by Ms. Flynn. This is my second book that I've read by her. The first was [b:Gone Girl|8442457|Gone Girl|Gillian Flynn|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1339602131s/8442457.jpg|13306276], which was a total mindfuck.This one, although a lot of the suspense and momentum building was good, was not as spectacular as Gone Girl.The abuse, violence, and hostility that went on made me squeamish. This is not for the faint of heart. And then the parts about the slaughterhouse....I wanted to vomit.You learned to hate the characters as much as you wanted them to personally suffer. All the pain that Camille went through...I can't believe it. The ending...with that surprised, shock and awe twist. WOW. I had to re-read that paragraph, because I did a headshake "whoa, wait WHAT?!" Reason for 4 stars only - I wanted to see the ending tied up a little better. So much effort was placed on the pain and abuse in this book, and I understand why, but then I felt the ending was just left hanging... With so much time spent on other trivialities, I felt that the ending for this one character should have had more closure for her. Oh well. I just wanted her to be happy.Bottom line: Good read. I could see myself liking it more if I hadn't read Gone Girl first. Not recommended for the squeamish or faint of heart. Gillian Flynn truly delivers another mindfuck.