1.5 starsOmg if I had to read about Sookie going to take another shower this book would've hit the wall.I am SOOOOOOO glad this series is over with! I'm so tired of Charlaine milking this cash cow.Not surprised with how she ended things; nothing really ever tied up nicely with a bow.Who she choose for Sookie to end up with...not my first pick. Or second for that matter.Someone had told me, that if I watch the show True Blood, which I do, then do NOT read the last installment (don't really want to call it a book because this was just ramblings from Sookie, more like a mental diary) of this series because it would ruin the show for you. I really wished I would've heeded that advice now. Oh well.It's finally over with. I can put it to rest. I don't even want to think about the other possibilities that could've played out, or should've played out. I'm so disappointed with this series. But so glad it's over with. Talk about beating a dead horse. Enough already! Finally the end has come.Can you tell I'm glad it's over with? Lol.