Oh Sookie. Sookie, Sookie, Sookie. What are we going to do with you?This one finally came around to being better than two stars for me, and just by a hair! I really wish we could do half stars, but nonetheless I gave Harris the benefit of the doubt.*****SPOILERS******Sookie finally gets her ass kicked! Woo-hoo! Maybe this will knock some sense into her and she will stop being such a whiny b*tch! I hate how whiny and how easily she gets mad at people and for the stupidest reasons. I never wanted to see my strong female role beaten to pulp, but I think it was necessary for the storyline.I liked how the love triangle was still in place, but at the same time I'm kind of getting over it. And how Eric tricked her and kept saying she's mine, now and for all of eternity...creepy! Not how I saw Sookie handling that one!My goodness, and poor Bill. He would do anything for Sookie and she just doesn't care, oh wait up until the last part of the book when she realizes that he really might die. Yawn. She needs to get her head checked.So much happened in this book, but at the same time, nothing in the same. I hated the format of this book. I really liked the last one the best. The font was larger, much more easier to read, and the flow was much better on the last one too. This one, I felt I was jipped a page because she didn't continue to write on the back of pages for some of the beginnings of new chapters. It was like um hello? You're wasting paper.Crystal dying was kind of scary. That was the most gruesome Harris has gotten and I think I got my fill. I was done after reading that little segment. I mean she made her bed and now she's gotta lie in it. But that was sick, like something out of the Saw movies.Lots of people and supes died in this one. It was kind of heartwrenching. I hate how she was just killing people off, left, right and center!And now what about Quinn? That's it for him, huh? Pity.Jason...and Niall...oh geez, theres two people who need to kiss and hug it out. Go all Dr. Phil on their asses!She left us hanging with Dermot. And I really didn't see it all panning out that way. I thought Sookie was going to be kidnapped when Jason came over that one morning, randomly. I thought it was truly Dermot when she was explaining the lineage to him. That would have been a better twist I think. Oh well.I might really have to hold off on getting the next one from the library. I'm getting sick of Sookie and her effortless love story. It's becoming yawn-tastic!Liked the way she did the cover again though, with the glitter! Maybe that's what swayed me to give it three stars.