How to Sleep with a Movie Star

How to Sleep with a Movie Star - Kristin Harmel 2. 5 stars.What's a chick lit story if it's not predictable?It was the typical boy meets girl, girl doesn't feel confident, totally insecure, why would this drop dead gorgeous guy fall for me, be mean to the guy after he's nice to you and then don't believe anything he tells you but believe what everyone else is saying about him kind of story.Phew that was long winded.Anyway, the story was just ok. I feel like if they just would've talked more to each other and not believed what everyone else was saying about each other and what they supposedly did or did not do or whom for that matter. The ending was predictable and happy, which I liked. All the cruel people got what they deserved and then all the nice people got what they received and then some. Cute, but not reality. But that was essentially what I was looking for when I wanted to pick up a chick lit. I got what I wanted, but it didn't satisfy my need. I will keep looking.The last chick lit I read was Emily Giffin's "something borrowed" which I was in love with all the characters, and hated the ones I was supposed to hate. And I fell in love with the guy.This story, Cole Brannon, I swear if she said his name one more time. After their interview, nothing happened to him. There was no character development nothing. He just fell flat for me. I thought it was going to go into a different direction. And for him to just keep saying I wanted to make sure you were ok, omg say something different! Ugh. Need to pick up a different chick lit to see if I can better identify with those characters....