Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies - This book was just ok for me. So much for all the hype about it! Why does this always happen to me? When a book gets so much hype, and I set my expectations up so high, and then they are not fulfilled in the slightest. I know it's just me and I'm possibly the most cynical book reviewer on here, but my goodness? That was it? Like really?It was a struggle to get through this book for me. Nothing really happens and then when something "trivial" does happen, NOTHING HAPPENS. If that makes any sense.So some kids get stranded on a desert island. It's supposedly around the same time as the atomic bombs are going off. They make a tribe, get into some fights, split tribes, kill one another, and then as a manhunt, or should I say kidhunt, is going on they are "saved/rescued" at the last minute by the Navy.... Yeah... ok.I usually like dystopian books, but this one really did not classify as dystopian for me. A whole bunch of boys running loose on an island and starting a new society that's totally whacked out and pigslaying crazed is not the end of the world I pictured. (Not most dystopian books are what I pictured, but this was totally way off and just too dumb/boring)Sorry if no one cares for this review, but this book really did not live up to all the raves it received. Maybe it did back in 1954, but not for me now in 2009.And the Lord of the Flies was not even that big of a part in the book. It was Simon totally tripping out in the "creepers" all by himself. Grrrr. Totally not worth the amount of effort that I put into this one.Maybe I missed the boat on this book...PUN INTENDED!!!