Lover Awakened  - J.R. Ward I liked this one, but not as much as everyone else did.Yes it was good to finally find out about Zsadist's story, but I really wasn't in love with him. After the other books I started to fall in love with Wrath and Rhage, but with this one, I grew to like Zsadist, but not love him.His story was so sad, and hearing over and over again how Phury kept saving him broke my heart. Their entire story and lives have been hell.Well that is until the end of this book! So happy that it was a happy ending for Bella and Zsadist, but I was totally open-mouthed shocked to find out that Bella's brother is the sympath, Revhenge.It was good, but not the best. I am thoroughly addicted to this series now. I think I was hooked after one, started to swoon after two, and now I can't wait to see happens with V and Butch, does Butch turn? And what about poor Tohr and John? I started to cry when Wellsie died. There was so much death in this one. Poor Sarelle too, but I never really liked her, I'm glad she had a small role, but I'm so happy that Bella was the one to ahvenge herself. That was kick ass. I want to know if John is actually Darius and how things will go with him and Beth. I also want to know how things end up for Phury. What is with Vischous' hand? Are Butch and Marissa ever going to get over themselves and just come together already? So much to find out! Good thing I have the next 3 in the series on my nightstand, checked out from the library, to find out!I also kind of liked that the Scribe Virgin wasn't in this one that much. There was a lot of lessers drama going on in this one, with switching of power roles, but I honestly just don't care about them. I like that they are the designated bad guy, but I don't want to hear their side of the story. Hearing about Bella being tortured was enough for me. That was the breaking point.Bottomline: Will I keep up with the series? Definitely. I want more.