The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini Let me preface this review by saying that I have had this book in my possession for literally a year and have had no urge to read it. I know, I know! Shameful! Everyone I know has said this is such an exceptional book and such a great story that it's almost sinful I have not read it yet.I was not only intrigued by all this hoopla from so many different people who usually have such ecletic tastes, that I was kind of put off by it. I never truly wanted to sit down and just read it. Also because to be completely honest, I didn't want to read about Afghanistan.Well, man, am I kicking myself in the ass. This truly is a breathtaking story. So much emotion, so much drawn from all of the characters. This is anything but a flat book. There's so much depth in every page. This is a HEAVY book to say the least.There's a lot that happens in this book. And when I say that there's a lot of emotion I mean a full fledged spectrum of emotion. There were parts that I cried, I wanted to reach within the pages and scream at the main character to do something! Anything!, I was so provoked by this book over and over again by so many emotions, anger, sadness, joy, shock, and sadness again. It truly is a riveting tale and I'm sad to say that I swallowed this book hook line and sinker within a matter of hours. I started at 9pm and did not stop reading until just now (little after 2 am). You are thrown into this culture, this lifestyle, this way of their world, how it all focuses around trust, loyalty, and beliefs. Then you are shown Kite Runners, and how this one sport truly identifies what these people are; a child's game, turned into something so savage and brutal, to see and make you take everything else out, and make sure you capture your last opponents kite to wave it in front of everything else's face you that pretty much own them, and you're the boss. WOW. The blood that is shed with the glass line, how metaphorically representative of what is truly going on. There's just so much to touch base on!I HAD to keep reading. I had to know how it ended. Towards the middle of the end I would say, I was getting a little forlorn and bored, I didn't know where the author was planning on going. I thought at a certain point, ok what else could he possibly say? And then bam!I already guessed the "tying" of certain characters, but it was still sad to see how the rest played out. I did wish for a happier ending, especially after everything that happened...Such loyalty, betrayal, love, and dishonesty in this book. It seemed like this book was just dripping of emotion. It was a good story. I can definitely see the appeal that thousands have grown to rave about. There were times where I did not want to continue reading about the war and see how the land "of his people" were doing, because honestly, I'm comfortable being ignorantly blissful. It was an eye opener and I have to say that I am never taking a hot shower for granted again. This is one of those books that do change lives, and makes you want to be a better person, and want to save the world and all that. I was enlightened to a culture that I truly thought was pure evil and spawns just more hatred. My heart goes out to that country and what it went through, but at the same time I do not agree with what happens over there, and the majority of their customs. Overall, really good story. I can see the appeal. BUT I couldn't bring myself to love it. I'm interested in reading more of this author; the style of writing was easy, quick, and totally relatable. He drew you into this world in which I thought I would hate, and yet I was rooting for the good guy all the way. I know that he was a child in the beginning and I soooo wanted to hate him, but I came to somewhat like him at the end. He tried to (finally) atone for his sins, but to me what he did was still unforgivable...